ELECTRIC BARBARIAN: The Ghost of Langston Hughes [Netherlands]

Electric Barbarian is without any doubt the most eclectic jazz ensemble of the past decade. The band embraces elements of hip hop, funk, drum’n bass and turntablism alongside jazz improvisation.  In 2010 Electric Barbarian presented their new project at the World Expo Shanghai. The Ghost of Langston Hughes features the legendary poems of Langston Hughes; frontman of ‘Harlem Renaissance’ in New York during the years of the great depression. The original, bittersweet, poems are reproduced by a scratcher. Bassplayer and composer Floris Vermeulen adds a string quartet to beats and samples. The texts and poems of Langston Hughes are exposed to some Barbaric treatments.

Tickets online: http://yugongyishantickets.taobao.com

  • Start:
  • Tickets: Rmb 80 (door) / 50 (presale | stop at midnight on 26th of September)