Shangan Li, who was born born in Sichuan, Chengdu in 1990, lives in Beijing as an Indie musician now. In April, 2014, she sent in her resignation and left Beijing for Yunnan, Lijiang to work as a pub singer. And in the following year, Shangan spent more than half year on musical composition during her sojourn in Sanya and other coastal cities. In June, she went back to Beijing from Shanghai to took up her career as indie musician and hold many shows in Livehouses. In September 2016, Shangan started to produce her first album <Qiuqian> , a total of 8 works are included: <Qiuqian><Lairifangchang><Mao><Luguhupandeyueliang><Nanian Siji><Shu><Yechangmengduo><Qiuqian(Guitar)>. This album was finished and published independently in April 2017.

NOW! Her first Livehouse tour in 28 cities: “One Third” is on the road.

Learning playing guitar, percussion instruments, ukulele and the piano independently.

the music style is free, independent and diverse. She preferring to combine Chinese with western music. Just Like Shangan, her music also shows striking contrast. She enjoy fingerpicking and blending these factors into her arrangement.


Tickets online:https://yoopay.cn/event/ygys20171015


  • Start:
  • Tickets: Rmb 120 (door) / 100 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)