MaMoNaHi Theatre-Dance Company
Two immersive plays in one Night “THE GREY LIFE” & “RELATIONSHIP”

MaMoNaHi Theatre-Dance Company


By Martina Morrocchi (author / theatre director / producer) with Alberto Cuellar (music director) / Shawn Moore (violin) / Xu Peng (sax)

Actors 演员表:
Linda Balasso 琳达
Anna Segalas Male’
张晋慧 Serena
Seyyare Tashbaywa
Zhao Zhen 赵珍
Lansang 兰翔
Xie Wei 谢玮
Brittany Hancocks

Two immersive plays in one Night

<THE GREY LIFE> a walk on the particles…

Every day we wake up and we open the window to start our day…

watch the sun …

take a breath and think about the amazing things we will do on that day.

But when you wake up and outside it’s Grey…your mood will change, just a little bit .. but it will change… and if it happens for more days to follow your mood will change a lot even if you think it isn’t affecting you.

People could say…”Beijing is polluted”… but: “the World is polluted”. We produce, we buy, we throw away, we spend, we want, we pretend and we are never ever satisfied…

How are we running this world?

Why are we destroying it?

Now we are living in the Globalized World’s Black Mirror.

<RELATIONSHIP> a way to grow up and find your world

From the day that we were born we learn, we separate the right from the wrong and we try to understand who we are and what we want.

The people we meet on our life’s journey will give us trouble and will teach us solutions. They will help us to understand ourselves better when we look at them as a mirror of ourselves.

Sometimes you will feel wrong because somebody tells you: “you dream too much” and you believe it. Other times you will find people encouraging  you..and you will feel to be right.

Any relationship is a present giving us the chance to understand our fears, our abilities and our courage.


Martina Morrocchi was born in Bagno a Ripoli near Florence and grew up in Panzano in Chinati. She started to do Theatre when she was sixteen years old and lately graduated from the International Academy of Theatre in Rome as Actress and Theatre Director. After years of theatre in Italy where she founded her company, she moved to BJ. Inspired by the mix of cultures she produces her shows as teacher and director of MaMoNaHi Theatre-Dance Group.


Alberto Cuéllar was born in Granada, Spain in 1973. He stated his first guitar strokes influenced by a legacy since XIX century that he inherited from his great grandfather, and more directly from his grandfather Pepe Cuéllar also known as “Hijo de Salvador”, who was awarded the first price for guitar at the first Competition of Cante Jondo in 1922 organized by Manuel de Falla and Federico García Lorca, among others. Alberto perfected his musical knowledge at the Guildhall School of Music in London during four years with professor Robert Brigthmore. He got the Bachelor of Music and he graduated in classical guitar at the Kent University in 2000. Since 2008 Alberto Cuellar is living in China and has been extensively playing his Spanish Guitar as a soloist, in classical ensemble, jazz ensemble trio, and with flamenco dancers in concerts through Asia.


Shawn Moore is an American violinist/violist, currently teaching and performing in China, the US and other locations throughout the world. He is the Musician in Residence at The Affiliated High School of Peking University, a visiting professor at the Nanjing School of the Arts, and Musician in Residence for the Yale Club of Beijing. While pursuing his career as a musician, Shawn also concurrently works for Bard College, covering East/Central Asia as an admissions officer and representative for institutional relations. He has been based in Beijing since the fall of 2014. Shawn is passionate about languages and communication in general – be it musical, linguistic or otherwise. He is a graduate of Bard College and Yale University.


Saxophonist Xu Peng is one of the most influential saxophonists in the country. He graduated from the Beijing Modern Music Academy, majoring in jazz saxophone. Art experience; small tomato jazz band sponsor, and the formation of Xu Peng jazz quartet, jazz trio

Tickets online:

  • Start:
  • Tickets: Rmb 150 (door) / 100 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)