Polish Metal Warrior VADER Live in China



Since the beginning of VADER , the ultimate polish death metal warrior, which was set up in the autumn of 1983 by two people crucial for the band: Piotr “Peter” Wiwczarek standing behind the bass and the guitarist Zbyszek “Vika” Wroblewski, the band is baptized by the beginning fire of Death Metal. And after more than 30 years, this flame is still burning.


The band started its activity in Poland, whose environment is a completely different reality. Metal was heard only among few die hard fans and Extreme metal was just about to be born. VADER was among the pioneers of that genre (and the only one left since then) not only in the newly emerging polish Underground but also ages as old as some other Death Metal pioneers(DEATH/POSSESSED)


After trying for different styles including Heavy Metal/Thrash Metal and then ‘popular’ Thrash Metal, VADER finally switch their sound to Death Metal with their demo《Morbid Reich》. After signed up with Earache Records, their debut record 《The Ultimate Incantation》earned their fame in Europe and America. With the release of《De Profundis》and《Black to the Blind》,they have established a kind of Polish Empire of Death Metal in both Europe and Amercia. After switch to Metal Blade, 《Litany》deliver a perfect close for the millennium.《Revelations》and《The Beast》continued to push up their boundary with solid Death Metal sound. After opening up for the legendary METALLICA in Poland, they signed record deal with the famous Nuclear Blast. Their first 3 albums under new label (《Necropolis》、《Welcome to the Morbid Reich》and 《Tibi Et Igni》) not only deliver solid Death/Thrash Metal but also mark that they has entered another Golden Age of the band’s career.


With the latest album《The Empire》released in this autumn, this legendary polish band will once again rule the metal empire as the ultimate king of morbid reich. And for the 2rd time they will show their ultimate heavy sound for all you fans here in China!!! Join in the Morbid Reich!!!


tickets online :https://yoopay.cn/event/ygys20160920


  • Start:
  • Tickets: 680RMB (VIP) / 280RMB (door) / 220RMB (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)