Zhang Yide have had over 200 shows in the past 3 years.


Zhang Yide’s Douban music site: http://site.douban.com/zhangmusic/ – it includes previous live performances and a number of (what audience thinks to be) folk songs. Some compositions are influenced by unplugged Nirvana. Although he would not admit it, his songs also sound like HuMaGe Bob Dylan. With occasional ballads.


Zhang Yide’s improvisations are mainly for his own amusement, with no external influence besides some videos of post-rock, post-punk, metal, whatever. It sounds like “you can tell it is of musician Xiaohe’s kind, but not the same stuff.”


The only live recording of his free improvisation to date: www.xiami.com/song/1772837884?spm=a1z1s.6659513.0.0.7DQF0K 

Video:  v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjI0NTc1MTY0.html 


Solemn and fun.


Duration of his performance is usually 1.5-2 hours. It normally includes 60% folk, 10% pop (or new wave) folk, 10% improvisation, 5% eccentric metal, 5% blues and 10% dubstep. and I don’t know what I might come up with right tomorrow. Why don’t you bring a tent. Do bring a tent.


How do I really folk – why don’t you scan the QR Code.

Tickets online: http://www.douban.com/event/22061928/

  • Start:
  • Tickets: Rmb 70 / 50 (students / presale | stop at midnight on July 31th)
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