双鼓数字后摇 tfvsjs 新专辑《在》首发巡演2016 – 北京站



tfvsjs is a band that was founded by two netizens from both sides of the Victoria Harbour, at a time when facebook was still non-existent, and arrived at its present line-up right before the Maya Doomsday in 2012. tfvsjs wanted to catch the hardcore trend that was the shit then, but because of the nature of Hong Kong docile life the fat and stupid members of the band could not quite administer their fury and failed howling. But because of the nature of Hong Kong crafty people, the members managed to catch instead the tail of the post-rock trend, and created sentimental, melancholy explosions. Before long however, because of the nature of unskilful members, they could not finish a piece without suffering constant breakdowns. Now tfvsjs settled back down to pure Cantonese music.

tfvsjs rushed the album of equal unequals to equal, and brought it to the Strawberry Festival in 2013, and soon disappeared. The announcement of new album release by the end of 2014 was nothing but a hoax.
After some three years, the losers eventually came up with the second album 在. In visual terms, the new compositions are the grey between the black and white. Injected into the music is the grey that is present in hope; all the notes are nothing but the white elephant encountered on a daily basis. It is the restructuring of city into solid, heavy momentums, reconstructed in music.

tickets online:https://yoopay.cn/event/ygys20160614

  • Start:
  • Tickets: Rmb 90 (door) / 70 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)